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Mirandum's Journal

Hello! My name is Mirandum and I'm a curator here at the Museum of the Omniverse. My specialty is Altairian History. It's a wide-ranging and exiting topic in itself. I like to say history is high-story and that's our specialty here at the museum, presenting all the stories that have been told, all the ones people are telling, and all the stories yet to be told. How can we manage that? I gather it involves a rather complex series of tempo-dimensional engines that allow us to view any time, any place, any dimension and any universe we want to. In fact, there's an entire exhibit just devoted to those special engines and I highly recommend you visit it if you're interested.

As I write this, I begin to worry something may have happened to that system. I've been noticing rifts opening in the fabric of the museum. It's nothing too serious. I'm told these kinds of things can happen from time to time. After all, the museum is so large and so far ranging, it takes tremendous computational power plus the energy of no less than a dozen quasars to hold it all together. For us, the occasional temporal rift is no more alarming that a patron spilling a glass of water in a contemporary art museum. It's a safety hazard, but as long as you know what to look for, you'll be just fine. Still, it seems like I've seen more of these rifts in the last week than I have in all my time at the museum. I think I should go see my associate, Veratos, from the Denebian Technology exhibit and see if they've heard anything. I suspect it's just routine maintenance.

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I've just returned from the Denibian Technology exhibit and Veratos was nowere to be found. Neither were the curators from the adjoining exhibits. This is quite peculiar. The museum is normally teaming with scholars studying the exhibits and with visitors excited to discover new things. Even though I curate Altairian History, I'm quite versed on many of the exhibits. No one ever really needs to leave the museum. If you need a change of scenery, all you need to do is drop into one of the displays and you'll be in the time and place of your choosing.

This puts me in the mind to visit the Dragon Exhibit. Cassity is the curator over there and she often knows what's going on. Even if she's on break, there are many wise and noble creatures inhabiting the displays. They might have some suggestions for me as I try to understand these rifts. I suspect it's just routine maintainence and everything will be back in order in just a few days.