About the Music
The Museum of the Omniverse: Dragon Exhibit features original music by Nashville,
Tennessee based musician and composer Jeff Moon. While each story is scored in a way that supports the story,
the hummable, captivating complete themes will be available as a separate album wherever digital music is sold
and here at this website. Short samples of each song are available below.
The full album is available at
From "The Slayers":
- Flight of the Dirigible (Main Theme)
- Golden Dragon (Battle Theme)
- The Bonny Ship the Slayer (Vocals)
From "The Dragon's Keepers":
- Gray Immanence (Main Theme)
- Anashiri March
- The "Magic" of Captain Tawnos
From "Stone and Fire":
- Sawtooth Mountain Dreams (Main Theme)
- Fraffi Humans (Iskar's Theme)
- The Dragon Trap
From "The Dragons":
- One-Eyed Jacks (Main Theme)
- Limitless (Action Theme)
- They Do Exist
From "Banks of the City Thames":
- Waltz of the Steam Table (Main Theme)
- Termodynamo
- Abercrombie's Brass
From "Heart of the Dragon":
- Champion of Ghainaess (Main Theme)
- Blood of the Silver
- The Endless Twilight