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Stories from the Dragon Exhibit

"Stone and Fire" by Timothy Zahn

Iskar, a stone troll, is accused of rampaging through a village and killing five people. Petrock, protector of the village, implores the powerful but lonely dragon Dax to destroy the troll. However, the troll denies wrongdoing and claims to know where some of the last remaining vestiges of dragon society still live. Dax decides that Iskar should have the opportunity to prove himself. To make sure that the village has a witness, Katrina, the daughter of Petrock, is chosen to go with them even though she has a disability and learns about the treachery of trolls and the wisdom of dragons. Watch the video below for a sample of the story.

Principal Cast

Narrator: Chara Allan
Katrina: Autumn Ivy
Dax: Eric Schumacher
Iskar: Scott Forrester
Petrok: David Lee Summers

"The Slayers" by David Lee Summers

Rado, a young man looking to find his fortune, decides to go on the adventure of a lifetime and signs aboard the Slayer, an airship with a crew that hunts dragons for the fuel they use to breathe fire. He soon learns that dragon hunting isn't nearly as romantic as he thought it would be. He also learns that the Slayer's captain, Obrey, is obsessed with hunting the most dangerous dragon of all, the golden dragon. If Captain Obrey succeeds, it could make him fabulously wealthy. If the captain fails, Rado may be lost along with the rest of the Slayer's crew. Watch the video below for a sample from the story.

Principal Cast

Rado: Bradford Trojan
Culeg: Robert Linden
Hujo: David Lee Summers
Shipmaster: Paul Reeves
Folger: Paul Reeves
Captain Obrey: Eric Schumacher

"The Dragon's Keepers" by David Lee Summers

In an age where dragons are hunted for the fuel used to produce fire, former dragon hunter Captain Tawnos has come to realize dragons are rare, beautiful creatures that should be saved. He's taken his crew and a young conservationist named Maelyn to a mountain aerie to save a dragon from nearby villagers who plan to destroy the creature. Can the small crew of the Dragon's Keep stop a determined horde of villagers and their wizard? Only if they have a trick up their sleeves. Watch the video below for a sample of the story:

Principal Cast

Maelyn: Olivia Blake
Shayla: Autumn Ivy
Captain Tawnos: Eric Schumacher
Zed: Robert Linden
Wizard: David Lee Summers

"Banks of the City Thames" by Patrick Thomas

In a world of steam power, gears, and magic, a thief employs a huge mechanical dragon to break into each of the City Thames' financial institutions, cutting a swath of destruction along the way and terrorizing the citizenry. Only the brilliant Lady Thistle, the first female knight of the Steam Table, and her mentor the grouchy but capable Sir Bult, can stop them. Watch the video below to sample the story:

Principal Cast

Narrator: Zoee
Lady Thistle: Olivia Blake
Sir Bult: Charlie (Chick) Allen
The Dragon Master: Paul Reeves
Samat the Dragon: Drew Kalen
Queen Theodora: Kristen Kalen Keck
The Jester: David Lee Summers
The Banker: Eric Schumacher

"Heart of the Dragon" by Carol Hightshoe

The honorable young warrior Andrinor is sent on a quest to learn his true nature and to test his heart. A descendant of both humans and dragons, he learns how to live as each species. If he is found worthy at the end of his quest, he could be granted the greatest honor of all, to become a guardian of the great goddess of dragons. Play the video below for a sample of the story.

Principal Cast

Narrator: Eric Schumacher
Andrinor: Richard (Chomps) Thompson
Velainne: Zoee
The Great Mother: Chara Allen
Lorymi: Kristen Kalen Keck
Prelari: Autumn Ivy
Myrith: Ginger Ferguson
Male White Dragon: Robert Linden
Female White Dragon: Kristen Kalen Keck
Elf Woman: Olivia Blake
Khistina: Michelle Ramos
Khistina's Brother: Paul Reeves

"The Dragons" by Jeremiah Lynch

A young woman who has been told that she's dangerously delusional, lives in a group home under the watchful eyes of kindly professional caretakers. She desperately tries to push the images of dragons out of her mind, images that have caused her to live in fear since she was a little girl. When she visits a park with her caretakers and fellow patients, an old man sits down near her on a bench and asks if she can see dragons, setting off a chain of events that may lead her to either self-destruction or self-discovery. Are the girl and the old man both insane, or can they really see dragons, and what might happen if they find one? Play the video for a sample of the story.

Principal Cast

Narrator: Eric Schumacher
The Girl: Sara Mirasola
The Old Man: Paul Schumacher
The Caretaker: Ginger Ferguson